Founded: 2005
Category: project furniture, Vocational Education and Training Centre
The story of our school begins in 2002, when Estonia had a new development plan for vocational education and the Ministry of Education had excluded vocational education in Lääne County from its thoughts as well as its budgetary plans. The Taebla Vocational Secondary School was erased from the map. However, the local community did not agree with this. People came together and decided that vocational education in Lääne County must be preserved and a new school must be established, located in Haapsalu or its close proximity. The foundation Vocational Education in Western Estonia was established, a concept and strategy were developed. Entrepeneurs, Lääne County Association of Local Authorities, Haapsalu, Ridala rural municipality, county government, development centre and the vocational school´s team – everybody did their very best for the birth of a new school.
Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskus on 8 aasta jooksul, mil on tegutsetud Uuemõisas, saavutanud oma tegevusega laiema tuntuse ja hea maine õppijate hulgas. Seda näitab mujalt Eestist Haapsallu õppimaasujate arvu kasv, mis 2013.a. ületas esmakordselt Läänemaalt pärit õppijate arvu.
Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskuses õpib ligikaudu 800 õpilast, neist 92 õpilast puidutöötlemise valdkonnas tisleri, puidupingitöölise, mööblirestaureerimise ja sadulsepa erialal. Õpilaskonnast moodustavad 48% täiskasvanud õpilased, kelle seas on just mööblitootmisega seotud erialad (mööblirestaureerimine, sadulsepp) väga populaarsed. Õpilaskonnast enamiku, 46% moodustavad Läänemaa õpilased, 31% õpilasi on Harjumaalt ja Tallinnast.