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“Stories of Estonian Furniture” new books now on sale

"Stories of Estonian Furniture" books are now in sale

"Stories of Estonian Furniture’ describes the history, present day, and future of furniture manufacturing in Estonia from several different perspectives. The book is both in Estonian and English and the aim of this summary is to help English-speaking readers navigate between the chapters and easily find the content that interests them."
  • Add your phone number (372) 51-800 68
  • Price: 45,00 € Quantity:
    The price of one book is 45EUR and it includes VAT 9%. If you buy 10 books the price will be 390 EUR and it includes VAT 9%. We will send the invoice and after the payment is transfeered then we start shipping to your address the quantity you ordered.
  • 0,00 €
    The shipping price will be added to book price and depends the distance and shipping method. We will inform you about the price before ordering. The weight of one book is 1,115 kg