
Khis OÜ

Everything about ourselves is in constant movement, whatever efforts we make to stop the time and capture the essence. Some traditions have to be kept and nourished – bathtub made of fine wood; and some – have to be started by ourselves.

With KHIS, you can start your own tradition of quality time, gliding through waves of fullness.

Riksen OÜ

5 põhjust, miks teha koostööd just meiega:
15 aastat kogemust valdkonnas tähendab, et võid kindel olla meie oskustes ja know-hows
tulemused, mis lähevad korda: oleme tunnustatud tiitliga „Parim väiketootja mööblisektoris 2017“
asjatundlikud ja heatujulised projektijuhid, kes vastutavad oma lubaduste eest
sina saad rahulikult oma põhitööle keskenduda, sest me hoolitseme ise kõige vajaliku eest – disainist paigalduseni
oma ala parimatest spetsialistidest koosnev partnerite võrgustik, tänu kellele on teostatav ka kõige lennukam idee

123OK OÜ

We like simple things. This is why we decided to design quality furniture which is easy to assemble and disassemble – one-two-three and done. This high-quality furniture is handmade from birch plywood and is finished off with natural OSMO oils that are harmless to people, animals and plants. Just cross the legs and fixate them with the chair seat or table-board.
These cross-lock chairs and tables, designed by Andres Almazov, don’t need any other fastening systems. The company has the exclusive rights to these designs and manufacturing.


Lastemööbli tootmine ja müük.

Pargon Sleep AS

Põhiline tegevusala Pehme mööbli ja voodite tootmine, kodutekstiili tootmine, mittekootud materjalide tootmine Töötajate keskmine 2016 aasta arv ja hetkeseis 2017 aasta arv 250 inimest

RaSun OÜ

Since 2010 we have created couches, armchairs, beds, ottomans and basically anything with upholstered covers. You can find our products in resaurants, night clubs, offices and homes.

Profixer OÜ

Erinevate firmade eduloo taga peitub üks tõsiasi – edu ei tule mitte kunagi üleöö. Nii ka meie firma lugu ei alanud eile, vaid 1997. aastal. Alustasime oma tegevust n-ö aabitsatõdedest. Ja mõnikord pidime kante käsitsi liimima, kuna seadmestikku polnud kuskilt kätte saada. Nüüd aga võime pakkuda kvalifitseerituid teenuseid, olgu see mistahes mööbli paigaldus teie kodus […]

Paigaldamine OÜ

Möö, ärinimega Paigaldamine OÜ, pakub mitmekülgseid ja kaasaegseid mööblikäsitlemise teenuseid. Antud valdkonnas juba aastaid tegutsenuna oleme lahendanud palju põnevaid ja erinevaid sisustusprojekte, misläbi on meie meeskonnal laiahaardeline kogemustepagas. Hindame kõrgelt töö kvaliteeti ning paindlikku teeninduskultuuri, misläbi oleme saavutanud heakskiidu oma senistelt pikaajalistelt koostööpartneritelt. Referentsideks on hotellid, kaubanduspinnad, koolid, lasteaiad, bürood ja ka meelelahutuspinnad. Töötame allhanke […]


Eesti mööbli e-pood. Toodete valikus pakub ainult Eestis valmistatud mööblit.

Mööbli Koda OÜ

Mööbli Koda OÜ on väikeettevõte, mis alustas tegevust 2014 sügisel.
Koos jooniste ja paigaldusega on valmistatud köögimööbli komplekte ja garderoobikappe.
Kohalikus gümnaasiumis teostatud klassiruumide remonttööd koos mööbli valmistamise ja paigaldusega.

AS Kateks

AS Kateks was established in 1991. We manufacture high quality furnishings according to the needs of our customers and custom made furniture for trade organisations, cafés and bars, offices, homes and other places. We manufacture wall systems, slatwall panels, sales stands, tables, cabinets, showcases, sliding doors, wardrobe systems, kitchen furniture, etc. Our skills and manufacturing […]

Exova BMTrada

Exova BM TRADA is the Exova Group’s dedicated certification division incorporating former leading global certification body BM TRADA Certification Ltd.

Nava Ltd

Nava Ltd is one of the biggest reseller of woodworking machines in Estonia. We are offering a wide range of woodworking tools and machines from more than hundred partners.

Superhead OÜ

Superhead OÜ loodi 2004.a. Meie põhitegevuseks on sõidukite pehmete sisustuste eritellimusel valmistamine. Lisaks restaureerime ning valmistame ühiskondlike ruumide pehmet mööblit. Superhead OÜ visiitkaardiks on kõrge kvaliteet ning vastupidavus. Meie missiooniks on ühendada moodne tootmine traditsioonilise käsitööga.

Hahle Eesti OÜ

Hahle Eesti kuulub Hahle konserni. Hahle konserni kuuluvad Hahle OY (mööblitarvikute hulgimüük), Ecolam (töötasapindade tootmine), Josadoor (mööbliuste tootmine) ja Otsoson (valamute hugimüük). Oleme firma Blum esindajad Eestis ja Soomes.

Viidest OÜ

LTD Viidest is Estonian wood processing industry in Harjumaa, Raasiku. We started our activity in 1994. The basic field of the company are producing solid wood cupboard doors and door frames for kitchen furniture and furniture industry, so special offers of solid wood.

Kitman Thulema AS

Kitman Thulema AS is a leading developer, producer and marketer of interiors combining long-term experience with contemporary technology to achieve best results.

Syntema AS

As an official reseller, Syntema offers products to the timber and metal industries made by Becker Acroma and Becker Industrial Coatings. It also provides a tinting service and technological advice. We are also marketing AWUKO grinding products and GRACO spraying equipment. Syntema and Becker Acroma currently own approximately 30% of the industrial paint market of Estonia.

Recticel OÜ

Recticel OÜ belongs to the Belgium group Recticel. Our common objective is to be the best partner and supplier. We use modern technology in the production of polyurethane foam. All of our products are made without Freon and are free of any compounds that are harmful to humans. Currently, our customers include a large number of upholstered furniture and mattress producers in Estonia.

Plaat Detail OÜ

Plaat Detail OÜ is FORMICA’s representative in the Baltic States, selling its high-pressure laminates. In addition to laminate sales, Plaat Detail OÜ also manufactures laminate products. Our main customers are furniture-makers, interior decoration and construction companies, as well as hardware stores.

Paisuots OÜ

OÜ Paisuots is a 100 % Estonian capital based, family owned, small furniture manufacturing company, established in 1992. We manufacture and sell solid wood garden furniture. Our product range also includes garden furniture for flower planters and stairs, flowerpots, pergolas, children playgrounds and sandboxes, etc.

Nevotex Eesti OÜ

We are one of the leading wholesale and retail manufacturers of upholstered furniture materials in the Baltic States and Scandinavia. We have everything from textiles and leather to handicraft supplies and bed mechanisms.

Antsla-Inno AS

AS Antsla-Inno was founded in 1996. The company specialises in the production and marketing of upholstered furniture. In its early years, the company had 13 employees and a realised net turnover of EEK 250,000 per month. Since 1999, the company has grown constantly.

Agenda PRO OÜ

Agenda PRO OÜ is a company operating in the wholesale of furniture fittings. The history of the company started in 1993, and we have supplied Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian furniture manufacturers with accessories, mechanisms, and fittings ever since. We work closely with many leading kitchen, office, and project furniture manufacturers.

Laboratory of Wood Technology

The Timber Processing Chair (Department) was established in 1979, at the initiative of the Estonian wood industry. The opening of the Timber Processing Chair at TUT enabled the preparation of engineers for the field of timber processing in Estonia.

Alpek FL OÜ

Alpek FL OÜ has been cutting porolone since 2005. All porolone used by us is in compliance with the high standards of the European Union and is respectively certified. We purchase porolone mostly from Russia and Sweden.

Bellus Furniture OÜ

Bellus Furniture was founded in 1997, with the vision to create innovative home furniture. As of today, Bellus has grown to become Estonia’s largest manufacturer of upholstered furniture. We design and produce high quality, comfortable furniture for the home.

Dinoxo OÜ

Dinoxo OÜ belongs to a group and sells upholstered furniture under the BELLFIRE trade mark. Bellfire OÜ is a company that produces upholstered furniture, valuing quality and Nordic design. Our team has long-term production experience and extensive knowledge in furniture manufacturing.

Duo-Line OÜ

OÜ Duo-Line is a rapidly developing enterprise, established in 2005, for the design, manufacturing and installation of furniture. We aim to provide our customers with functional, practical and working solutions at a reasonable price. Our main area of expertise is the designing, retail and wholesale, manufacturing, and installation, of wardrobes and kitchen, bathroom and hallway furniture.

Fortem Grupp AS

AS Fortem Group, established in 1994, is primarily specialised in the production of kitchen furniture sets characterised by a high level of quality and distinctiveness.

Halver Mööbel OÜ

Our main areas of activity since 1992 have been production of office, home and special order furniture in accordance with the customer’s wishes and needs. Our company is characterized by flexibility, high quality, and innovativeness.

PSI Sisustus

Established in 1991, M.F.Leming OÜ is an Estonian furniture company that operates under the PSI Sisustus brand. We work together with leading interior designers from Estonia and Finland to create the best solutions for homes, offices and public areas in Scandinavia, The Baltics and Russia.

Sirkel Fabrics OÜ

Sirkel Fabrics is an interior textile wholesales company. Contemporary and also timeless high-quality fabrics. Long-lasting experience and trustworthy partners mostly from Europe.

Võru County Vocational Training Centre

The forefathers of Võru County Vocational Training Centre are the Võru Agricultural School, established in 1920, and the Võru Trade School, established in 1925. The school has carried a number of different names throughout the years, and has trained specialists that were needed in large scale agricultural production. The experiences and knowledge gathered by the two schools over a period of 80 years serve as the foundation for the activities of the Võru County Vocational Training Centre.

Rakvere Vocational School

The mission of the Rakvere Vocational School is to create innovative opportunities for the personal development of a learner and his or her success in professional life, by using an up-to-date learning environment, and a friendly, motivated, and qualified staff.

Tartu Art College (University of Applied Sciences)

Tartu Art College (University of Applied Sciences) is a multidisciplinary applied higher education institution that educates professional applied artists and artists-restorers who value and preserve cultural heritage.

Kuressaare Regional Training Centre

The school was established on 6 November 1922, as the Kuressaare School for Construction Instructors, and 19 students were accepted to the school in the first year. This also marks the beginning of continuous vocational training on Saaremaa. Currently, more than 900 students are studying at the school.

Tallinna Ehituskool

Tallinn Construction School (TCS) founded in 1947. It has been rebuilt 2014. The studies at school are based on curricula corresponding to national professional standards in spheres: Materials industry (wood): carpenter, furniture restorer.

Standard AS

Standard is the leader in carrying out furnishing projects in the Baltic States, with its strengths being history, long-term experiences, and a constant desire to evolve. Standard started its operations in 1944.
We have two lines of business: StandardPro is focused on the furnishing of hotels and public rooms. StandardOffice provides office and interior design solutions.

Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskus

The story of our school begins in 2002, when Estonia had a new development plan for vocational education and the Ministry of Education had excluded vocational education in Lääne County from its thoughts as well as its budgetary plans.

Sarkop AS

Sarkop produces special order furniture for public places – hotels, offices, restaurants, schools, museums, etc. Our customers include the following hotel chains across Europe: Radisson Blu, Scandic, Sokos, Park Inn, and Best Western.

Radis OÜ

We are a flexible company that is able to design, develop, and manufacture different innovative products for export in the necessary volumes by including our cooperation partners in the process. Development of a wide range of products, thanks to our own designers and the Estonian Academy of Arts, has piqued interest and increased our sales on external markets. Our furniture is sold in Germany, France, Great Britain, Finland and Estonia.

Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus

Pärnumaa Vocational Education Centre (PVEC) is a vocational school, situated in south-west of Estonia, in Pärnu. We offer students vocational education on the basis of a basic school education and on the basis of a secondary school education.

Velma Mööbel OÜ

Velma Mööbel OÜ was established in 1997. We are one of the largest furniture producers in Tartu. We produce kitchen, office, medical, hotel, library and furniture for the home. Most of our products are made to order. We use high-quality materials and furniture fittings in our products.

Valgamaa Kutseõppekeskus

Valga County Vocational Training Centre was founded on September 1st, 1999 by joining of Helme Vocational Training School and Valga Vocational Training School into one state owned vocational training centre, which is subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia. The new buildings of Valga County Vocational Training Centre were constructed between 2009 and 2011 and the official inauguration ceremony took place on September 1st, 2011.

Viljandi Kutseõppekeskus

Vana-Võidus asuv Viljandi Kutsehariduskeskus on kaasaegne ametikool kuhu õpilased tahavad tulla heal meelel ametit õppima. Siin saab töömeheteed alustav noor esmakoolituse, siin toimub täiskasvanute ja erivajaduste inimeste koolitus, karjäärinõustamine, õpetajate ja õpilaste ning piirkonna väikeettevõtjate koolitamine. Vana-Võidust saadud teadmistega tuleb toime Euroopas ja mujal maailmas.